After my Grand dad passed away (Joseph Bruno Young had died in January) Mother told me that just before he passed away, he told her he was sorry about the accident, but we should not worry because that was one accident that could not be prevented. Mom worried and tried to figure out what kind of accident could not be prevented.
The night before May 5th, I was troubled by a nightmare where a red veil was dropped in front of eyes. I could see a bright light and hear yelling, but I could not tell what was going on. I woke up trembling and had trouble going back to sleep. But I did fall asleep and would not know for hours what the trouble would be. I was 13 years old, but the dream scared me like I was a baby.
I remember Saturday morning playing with Billy in the back yard. I had see the Mr. Wizard show and he had shown how to make a pump with a pair of plastic bottles and a marble. The marble would acts a flow control to let water in and stop it from back flow while you squeezed one bottle and the pump would force water thru a hole, kind of like a water gun. I shot water straight up into the air, and it gushed big time and got me an Billy wet. Being only 5 years old he ran away crying. I told him to not be a cry baby. We played with the water and had fun but we both got in a little for getting all wet.
Later that day, we saw a rain cloud coming. David and I were supposed to bring home the milk cows at night so they could be milked in the morning. Usually they were in the back pasture with lots of trees and weeds, and a long, long trip both ways. But that day, dad had placed the cows in the front field to graze where there were few weeds and no trees. We could clearly see the cows less than a half a mile away. Our house was on a hill top and the cows were down the hill. Billy wanted to go with us, since it looked like an easy trip.
It was to early in the day, but it looked like rain so we decided to get the cows and let Billy come. I don't know the time of day, but it seems like it might have only been 4 pm, but we were excited and wanted to get the cows anyway.
I remember that I was walking in front, but I don't know exactly where Billy and David were behind me, probably not more than 20 feet. We had just left the grassed area and entered the plowed field and terraces.
The next thing I knew, the red veil had fallen over me once again, but I did not hear any yelling. I was laying on the ground, but unhurt. I got my eyes opened and looked around to figure out where the bright light had came from. I knew the red veil was my shut eyelids during the flash. I saw Billy on the ground, and heard David yelling. Billy's clothes were on fire, and I rushed to him and pitched some plowed dirt on him and started putting the fire out, I rolled him over and the put out the last flames. By that time David had stopped yelling. Later I learned the lightning had burned his arm pretty bad.
I picked up Billy and started toward the house. I think David ran ahead of me to get Dad. I don't know how long I had been passed out, and I don't remember how far I carried Billy, but Dad soon met me and got Billy. We rushed to the near by road where Mom was waiting in the car. Dad must have heard the lightning and come running because were were not close to the house yet.
We lived about 3 miles from the Dorn Road intersection with Interstate 20, and maybe 10 miles or more from Colorado City, Tx. We knew the old people at the intersection to Interstate 20. I said that they had a phone, and if I could call ahead, the hospital could be ready and waiting for Billy to arrive. I was so excited and scared I jumped from our car before it stopped. I rolled ground, but was unhurt once again.
I rushed to the house of the old people and watched the car turn onto the interstate.
I told the old lady what was happening and she called the Colorado City Hospital. She put me in a recliner chair and put a damp rag on my head. She said I was in shock... I did not know what she meant. But I didn't think I was shocked because David and Billy were hit by the lighting shock, not me.
I don't know what happened after that, so maybe I was in shock. The next memories I have are at the funeral home. Billy was dressed in a back cowboy "dressed" outfit he had gotten for his birthday just a few weeks before. There was a concrete ledge around the funeral home yard. It was only, maybe 18 inches high. I walked that ledge back and fourth for hours. I don't know if that was the next day or not. I remember telling mom, that a dream should have told me to stay away from the rain clouds.
One other thing I remember after getting back home from the hospital, there had been no rain, and it fact there were no clouds anywhere. I was told the clouds had quickly disappeared that had been to only bolt of lighting. David and I were much taller than Billy. Billy must have been on the top of the terrace.
The dream still bothered me, and mom finally took me to an old lady from the Westbrook Baptist Church. I don't know her name, but she had lots of faith in God, and she talked to me for a long time... better than any doctor and help me get thru the guilt I felt from not knowing what was going to happen. She told me and mom that this was an accident that could not be prevented, and that it was God that took Billy. In fact, this is was not an accident. It was the only time she knew of where God reach out himself and took a person directly with no warning at all.
That make me feel better and whoever that old lady was, I thank God for her.
To Mom, Dad, and David, Thank you very much for helping me through that terrible time. I remember once telling Dad that I heard time heals all wounds. He told me that was only a saying, but it was not true. Almost 50 years later, I have to say Dad was right.
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